Community Synagogue Rye

Community Synagogue Rye

The project for the Community Synagogue of Rye, New York includes an extensive renovation of their worship, public and office spaces, as well as building infrastructure upgrades encompassing approximately 20,000 sf. The project extensively re-configured the program areas to create a comprehensive whole from a piecemeal building that had been constructed and/or renovated over time.


Adaptive Re-use, Institutional, Non-profit, Religious Institutions, 
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The new lobby unifies what had been two separate entrances to form a central social area while also improving overall security.   The Sanctuary reconstruction reoriented the space to improve flexibility and create a more dynamic format.  The theme of light, especially reflected light, inspired the design.  In the Sanctuary, new window openings illuminate a formerly dark, interior space.  Daylight and carefully crafted artificial light combine to give the space a lighter, more contemporary feel.